31 December 2007

Thrush and my New Year's Resolution

I've been working hard but I've been super sick. If you know me, you know I'm slacking and would wonder what's going on. Besides suffering from bad allergies and asthma, I have "thrush". It hurts so much - it literally feels like my throat was burned -- the sting never stops. It's a lot worse than Strep. I've slept only two hours in 48 hours and so I'm starting to get a little goofy.

Why am I sharing this? Because I have so many cool things to add to Shop 66, so many new art projects I'm working on in the Studio, and lots of information to share with all of you but sadly I'm moving at a snail's pace. And now I need to slow down even more, a sloth's pace, so I can take care of myself. (I'm guilty of working too hard.)

So my New Year's resolution is to take better care of myself!!! I need get more rest; I need to improve my nutrition; and, I need to exercise every day. It's not new to me to take better care of myself - it's just something I've not been doing lately.

Please be careful and safe tonight and have a happy New Year's Eve!
See you in 2008!!


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