29 April 2008

Shop 66 Studio: My Handmade Collection Cabinet

I'm sick with grief today - I miss my little ferret. It was very hard making the decision to have her put to sleep and to be there for it. It's never easy to lose one of my ferrets - they are comfort animals for me. It's going to take me a few days to feel better.

To get my mind off it this morning, I emptied my handmade collection cabinet, moved it into my bedroom and replaced the majority of it back into the cabinet. (This is just a portion of the collection - I have so many they are spread around in other places around my house.)
For more about me crazy collecting - here's an interview that was on Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/storque/section/thisHandmadeLife/article/where-oh-where-are-all-my-plushies-going/1227/.
And for more photos of my collection: http://www.flickr.com/photos/14915441@N07/sets/72157603410890201/

If you've tried contacting me the past 24 hours and have not heard back, I apologize, I'm just not myself today. I'll try to get back with everyone tonight. Thank you for all your kind words!! :)


Folksie Linda said...

So sorry to hear about your loss.. i do indeed hope things get better for you. Sending lots of hugs your way... Folksie Linda

little odd forest said...

the lil' one can't be found yet? :(

but i am drooling over you collection of dolls and plushies!! gosh.