23 July 2008

Back to Working 100% !!!!!

My dear patient, Shop 66 friends: Good News! I'm back working 100%!!

My terrible pain was all due to arthritis hip/pelvic pain. Here I thought I had something else wrong and it was the same old thing I've had forever. Anyway, I'm on super corti-steroids and other meds for 14 days and feeling better already. I get to experience a fun MRI on Monday to make sure I do not have a stress fracture (from who knows what?) but I'm here to stick around and work on Shop 66 full force once again (knock-on-wood). YAY!!

The dollies above are my newest surprise - a little set of my first shrinky dinky dollies! This first attempt with this new shrinky material was an absolute success and I'm quite pleased. This series/style of dollies will have a total of six or seven dollies and will be available for a limited time - July through August. Then I plan to create another series/style for September - October. The possibilities are endless. I draw my inspiration with shrink plastic from Yaelfran! However, shrink plastic and plastic laminate type art is not new to me - believe it or not, 12 years ago it was my #1 medium of choice and little pieces of my art are all over Denver, Colorado (where I was creating at the time).

Below is my disastrous office for today. Note where my laptop is. The bottom photo is some fun shop inventory overspill. :D

Take care and check Shop 66 this evening for more additions and surprises! :) g.

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