11 January 2010

little men shop, sickness and etc

Samantha's "little men" shop is now open on Etsy. I recommend visiting often because I've seen all the things she'll be adding. Fun, fun!

My popular "Valentine's Day Dolls" stickers from last year are finally ready for the Shop. I'll be listing many packs this week plus a few magnet sets.

And finally, this is short because I'm still super, super sick. I'm having some complications with a kidney infection from a possible kidney stone in my left kidney. This is a normal event for me historically but this episode is tough and I'm finding I'm working less and less each day. Shop 66 is suffering. Hoping this next round of antibiotics works! ;)


Nico said...

I hope you are ok. I love your site! Take care of yourself!

Zu-Li Designs said...

Sorry to hear you are so sick. I hope you feel better soon! I stumbled across your 2 blogs and I adore them!!!! I love looking at all the dolls, vintage toys, and vintage cards. Your blogs brightened up my day!